Team Announcements 2/12
Good Morning!!We have a few meet fees due this week! Please be sure you are signed up and paid on time!
Meet Fees Due in February & March: **please sign up & make payments on time**
March 27-29 USAG 6-10 State Meet Franklin, WI USA *Required USAFees: USA- Level 6 & Up: $135 Due: February 13th
April 3-5 USAG 6-7 Regionals Minneapolis, MN USA *Required USA if qualified- 34AA at State MeetFees: Level 6 & Up- $250 Due: March 29th
April 17-19 AAU State Meet Holmen, WI AAU *Required AAUFees: AAU- Level 1 & 2: $150 Level 3: $150 Level 4 & 5: $150 Level 6 & Up: $150 Due: February 13th
April 17-19 USAG 8-10 Regionals Bettendorf, IA USA * Required USA if qualified- 34AA at State MeetFees: Level 6 & Up- $210 Due: March 29th
NOT ATTENDING**May 2-3 EXA Athletics Menominee/ Eau Claire, WI AAU NOT ATTENDING**
May 8-10 AAU Regionals Rockford, IL AAU **We are attending!Fees: AAU- Level 1 & 2: $130 Level 3: $130 Level 4 & 5: $130 Level 6 & Up: $130 Due: March 12th
June 17-21 AAU Nationals Savannah, GA AAU **We are attending!All Level Meet Fee: $300 Due: March 12th
Gym Closing- Thursday, February 27th: Due to our Grand Opening of The Avenue Events & Venue, BOTH locations- The Farm & The Avenue will be CLOSED Thursday, February 27th.A Make-Up Class Option will be offered in the form of a Free Open Gym for anyone who is currently registered for The Avenue Thursday Night Classes & The Farm Thursday Night Recreational Classes. Open Gym will be run from 5pm to 7pm, Friday, February 28th at The Avenue. This is FREE to those registered for Thursday classes at The Avenue& Recreational classes at The Farm. Cost is $10/ each for anyone else wishing to attend the Open Gym!
The Avenue Grand Opening: We hope to see many of you at the Grand Opening!The Avenue & AMKM Gymnastics- 1415 West Wisconsin St Sparta, WISparta Area Chamber of Commerce: Business After FiveThursday, February 27th5pm to 7pmRibbon Cutting at 6pmRefreshments& Prizes
Recreational Classes at The Farm: Recreational classes at The Farm will no longer be offered effective September 1st, 2020. We encourage you to start checking out our class options at The Avenue now! You can make the transition between locations at any time! www.amkmgymnastics.comLook for our 2020 Summer: The Avenue schedule soon!
AMKM Home Meet Volunteer/ Donation Sign Up Sheets: We need everyone’s help to make this a successful event and fundraiser for the gym! We ask ALL AMKM Members help out with the meet, even if you are not on the competitive team! All of our members benefit from the money raised at our home meets!We have volunteer & donation sheets set up in a Google sheet to allow easy access for everyone to see what is needed and where they can help!Please click the link to sign up! You may need to copy & paste into your browser. have a Worker Sheet, Coach/ Judge Room Sheet, Concessions Sheet& Raffle Baskets Sheet.These sheets all have their own tab within the same sheet.You will only be able to edit the NAME column. We ask you please enter the First & Last name for the person signing up for the volunteer spot or donation item.Once signed up, the filled spots will be locked each night. If you need to make a change, please contact us directly.All donation items for concessions, coaches/ judges room & raffle baskets are due to either gym location no later than Wednesday, March 11th.We will not have hard copy sheets at the gyms. If you need help signing up for items or worker spots, let us know!
Ozone Backpacks: Backpacks are shipping this week! They should be available for pickup next week! We will notify you when they are in!
Meet Times: *please do not be late*
Dairy Aire Invitational: February 22nd -23rd Monona Terrace Convention Center 1 John Nolen Dr Madison, WI 53703
USA ScheduleSaturday, February 22ndLevel 4 (Emma Lang.)Open Stretch 10:00am Awards 12:45pmLevel 8 (Morgan, Isabell, Gabby B.)Open Stretch 3:00pm Awards 5:30pmSunday, February 23rdLevel 6 (Kendal)Open Stretch 8:30am Awards 11:15amLevel 7 (Claire)Open Stretch 2:30pm Awards 5:30pm
Salto National Invitational: February 28th-March 1st Wisconsin Products Pavilion at Wisconsin State Fair Park 640 South 84th Street West Allis, WI 53214 Admission: $10 Parking: $6
USA ScheduleFriday, February 28thLevel 6 (Kendal)Open Stretch 9:30am Awards 12:00pmLevel 7 (Claire)Open Stretch 1:00pm Awards 4:15pmLevel 8 (Morgan, Isabell, Gabby B.)Open Stretch 5:15pm Awards 8:30pmSaturday, February 29thLevel 4 (Emma Lang.)Open Stretch 8:00am Awards 11:00am
AMKM Keep Your Balance Invite 2020- The Avenue 1415 West Wisconsin Street Sparta, WI
Tentative ScheduleRecreational Showcase- 6pm to 8pm- Friday, March 13thRecreational Gymnasts (20)Session 1- 8am to 11am- Saturday, March 14thLevel 1- all ages (28)Level 2- 7 & under (18)Session 2- 11am to 2pm- Saturday, March 14thLevel 2- 8 & up (34)Level 3- 8 & under (10)Session 3- 2pm to 5pm- Saturday, March 14thLevel 3- 9 & up (45)Session 4- 5pm to 8pm- Saturday, March 14thLevel 5- all ages (3)Level 6- all ages (18)Level 7- all ages (6)Level 8- all ages (6)Level 9- all ages (1)Open Optional- all ages (1)Xcel Platinum- all ages (3)Xcel Diamond- all ages (3)Session 5- 8am to 11am- Sunday, March 15thLevel 4- all ages (44)Session 6- 11am to 2pm- Sunday, March 15thXcel Bronze- all ages (12)Xcel Silver- all ages (14)Xcel Gold- all ages (29)
2019-2020 AMKM Meet Schedule****Red AAU Required****Green USA Required*****All other meets are optional (attendance is determined based on number of gymnasts signed up)****Opt Out Fees for required meets are no longer an optionFebruary 22-23 Dairy Aire Madison, WI USA *Required USA**schedule postedFebruary 28-March 1 Salto Invite West Allis, WI USA *Required USA**schedule postedMarch 13-15 AMKM Meet Sparta, WI AAU**tentative schedule postedMarch 28-29 Rainbow Gymnastics Medford, WI AAU *Required AAU**no schedule yetMarch 27-29 USAG 6-10 State Meet Franklin, WI USA *Required USAFees: USA- Level 6 & Up: $135 Due: February 13thApril 3-5 USAG 6-7 Regionals Minneapolis, MN USA *Required USAFees: Level 6 & Up- $250 Due: March 29thApril 4-5 Badger State Game at Hub City Marshfield, WI AAU *Required AAU**no schedule yetApril 17-19 USAG 8-10 Regionals Bettendorf, IA USA *Required USAFees: Level 6 & Up- $210 Due: March 29thApril 17-19 AAU State Meet Holmen, WI AAU *Required AAUFees: AAU- Level 1& 2: $150 Level 3: $150 Level 4 & 5: $150 Level 6 & Up: $150 Due: February 13thMay 8-10 AAU Regionals Rockford, IL AAU **We are attending!Fees: AAU- Level 1& 2: $130 Level 3: $130 Level 4 & 5: $130 Level 6 & Up: $130 Due: March 12thJune 17-21 AAU Nationals Savannah, GA AAU **We are attending!All Level Meet Fee: $300 Due: March 12thHotel Info: **you can make any travel accommodations you wish, this is just the information provided for discounts with AAU.GameTime Travel is the Official Housing Bureau for the 2020 AAU Gymnastics National Championships as well as a trusted partner of the Savannah Sports Council & Visit Savannah.Please click the link below or contact us to hold a group block for your gym and book roomsOnline Booking: Phone: 866-537-4263Email: info@gametimetravel.comIf you have questions, please let us know!
